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« Pink eye | Main | Slave to NABLOPOMO »

November 06, 2007



Amen! I'm not looking forward to it. bbblllaaahhh


I can't stand being cold either. When I lived in Wisconsin and had to leave my house, I consoled myself that it was a short walk to my car from my front door. But then I would find myself in the frigid car, in pain I was so cold, remembering once again that cars aren't warm from the moment you get in... you have to wait for them to warm up. I have no experience with childbirth, but maybe my always "forgetting" that my car was cold is a bit like "forgetting" the pain of childbirth?

Anyway, perhaps I can cheer your spirits with two reminders--it's summer in South Africa, where you'll soon be, and don't forget that the ugliness of winter enhances the beauty of Spring. You don't get Springs like that in places like San Diego!

To make this your blog's longest comment yet (perhaps), I'd like to add a small "boast"... I actually rarely drove in Wisconsin, because I commuted to work by bicycle when there wasn't ice out (the couple times I tried to ride to work on ice panned out very painfully), and caught the bus the rest of the time. I am very proud of the fact that I rode my bike to work (2.5 miles away) a few days one January in 1° F weather. Not 1° C (in fact, that's -17°C). My breath froze on my eyelashes (it was diverted up to my eyes by the scarf I had wrapped over my mouth). Cold weather has a way of making you feel that you can be proud you're a survivor, I think.


I hear ya! My requirement for winter is one snow...that's all I need, then "bring back, bring back, oh bring back my summer to me, to me"...uh-hem. I do NOT like the cold either!

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